Governance Ministries
Essentially the Governance Ministries Workplace Church operates on two main fronts:
Mass Communication of the Gospel and what God is doing through TV Communication, Written Communication, and Radio Communication.
That Jesus is the Answer in our Cities and Nations communicated through Workplace and Marketplace ministers
Governance Ministries is a charitable trust registered with the Charity Commission of England and Wales.
Governance Ministries is pioneering workplace church given birth to by God for the purpose of doing His business with cities and nations.
Charity no. 1051780
The Lord energises, motivates, gives revelation, resources and takes the risk for His Workplace Church.
Jesus is the Answer in our Cities and Nations communicated and operated through Workplace Church which will look like any other trading business on the outside but on the inside they carry the revelation that they are willing to be obedient as Jesus gives inspiration. They will by reason of frequent contact with people in the city as they go about their normal trading business with customers, clients, suppliers, city administrators and regulators, directors, shareholders and employees, be ready to share that Jesus is the Answer to every challenge they are experiencing.